BAPS (Brooks Animal Protection Society) needs your help.
We are broke. This is devastating. Our savings account is now empty. No funding coming in any time soon. Although the community supports us everyday, we must now ask for a helping hand.
Our monthly expenses are over $18 000. We bring in around 22% of this with adoptions, surrenders and shelter fees. The city compensates us 23% for monthly incoming stray animals and license fees. The remaining 55% is brought in from fundraising, grants and donations. Although we work hard daily to bring money into the shelter, it is simply not enough.
You can help your local homeless animals in many ways.
-Monetary Donations can be made via paypal (, Mailed in (PO Box 86, Brooks, AB, T1R 1B2) or dropped off in person (415 1st Avenue East). Donate a portion of your tax rebate!
-Donate your bottles (We can pick up!)
-Pennies for paws
-Sponsor a Kennel, which can be done personally or through a business (Encourage your bosses!).
- Renew or purchase your City Dog License!
Hold a Fundraiser for BAPS! There are so many easy, fun ways to raise funds. Here are just a few ideas:
-Bottle Drive
-Take scrap metal to B.I.M. and bring in the proceeds
-Hold a Casual / Jean day at work
-Sell baked goods
-Yard Sale
-Offer a service
-Get creative!
All donations, big or small, are eligible for a charitable receipt. To learn more about BAPS, please visit . The animals desperately need you.
Is Dallas still available for adoption?